The Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Well-being
Widely used in spas and massage parlors, true lavender essential oil is renowned for combating stress. Its scent comprises nearly 300 phyto-active compounds derived from lavender flowers. It is from this richness and these subtle aromas that it derives its calming and soothing powers for the mind.
The use of lavender promotes well-being and tranquility by aiding in the relaxation of both body and mind. For those occasionally struggling to find sleep, it can be a real boon.
Indeed, fine lavender essential oil facilitates the onset of sleep. It is among the natural products that can help you combat insomnia.
The Virtues of Lavender Essential Oil for Skin and Hair Care
Both regenerative and soothing, fine lavender essential oil is a boon for skin and hair care. Widely utilized in body and face products, the virtues of this plant are unanimously praised. It imparts a vibrant glow to the hair of both women and men. Moreover, it has the gift of radiating the skin and beard while delicately scenting them.
Traditionally, it is also used to soothe itching caused by mosquito bites, and it can be applied to eczema as well.
The Most Common Methods of Using Lavender Essential Oil
One of the advantages of essential oil is that it is easy to use because it is concentrated, a few drops are enough to perfume the air or the water of a good hot bath. After pouring it in, all you have left to do is let your senses awaken and your mind unwind.
Diffusing Lavender Essential Oil
Using an essential oil diffuser, enjoy a soothing atmosphere in your home or your bedroom before going to sleep.
There are several types of diffusers available. While some are equipped with a heated surface on which to place your oil, we recommend using a water diffuser instead. Indeed, evaporation diffusion does not risk burning the oils, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of lavender essential oil.
And you do not have to wait until evening to diffuse essential oil in your home. At any time of the day, its fragrance brings a gentle breeze of freshness while transporting you to the rugged paths of Provence. Let yourself be guided...
For diffusion, we recommend using 3 to 6 drops in your device to enjoy the virtues of lavender essential oil.
Lavender Essential Oil for Baths
For a relaxing bath or a foot bath, lavender essential oil works wonders. Thanks to its action, relaxing and anti-stress, you enjoy a true moment of softness to rejuvenate.
For a full bath, count 5-6 drops of fine lavender essential oil, while for a foot bath, 3 will suffice. And to improve the oil's dilution in water, simply mix it first with sea salt or Epsom salt before adding it to the water.