
MUSEE DE LA LAVANDE LUBERON- 276 Route de Gordes -CS50016- 84220 COUSTELLET

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Shop le Château du Bois at the Luberon Lavender Museum

Each day, we share with you our passion for this delicate bleue flower.

Born thousands years ago in the heart of Haute-Provence, it offers us its benefits and all of its charm with its delicious perfume representing south of France.

Contact us for any request or questions, or let yourself be seduced by the organic cosmetics range and niche perfumes we elaborate while having the greatest respect of nature.

Shop le Château du Bois at the Luberon Lavender Museum

Discover the emblematic shop of the Luberon Lavender Museum and its certified organic, vegan and ethical local products exclusively from our lavender-growing estate, Château du Bois...

Perfume has great history tracing back to the origins of civilisations. Perfume has been used in religious cercles, therapeutic uses, and for seduction. The word "perfume", composed of latin word "per" meaning "going through"  and "fumum", "smoke" stands for "what exhales in space like smoke". It defines a positive and strong fragrance. Let our perfume dive you into the world of fine lavender.


A word to present our "Nose", creating our perfumes : Elisabeth Proal. She is a master and specialist in natural ingredients, and signed our Lavender collection, our Authentic collection and our home perfume. Provence's landscapes and our sustainable Fine Lavender universe inspire her in her creations. Between heritage and modernity, each perfume is unique and reveals the pleasure of a confidential and intimare perfume.

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